Online Info-Session on M.Sc. in Applied Finance

Type : Mentoring
Location : Online
Time Period : 24 Jul 2020 01:07 AM - 24 Jul 2020 01:07 AM
Last Date : 24 Jul 2020
Seats : 40
Amount : Rs 0

Prof. Tripathi will cover the following aspects during the webinar followed by a Q&A session:

Evolving yourself to keep up with the demanding needs of a constantly changing market
Program Curriculum taught under the guidance of experienced finance professors & industry experts
Learning Outcomes that focus on advancing your path to a well-established career in finance
Technology enabled learning experience so you can balance your work and studies
Talk with our Core Faculty, Prof. Ritu Tripathi about the scope, flexibility, and academic rigour of the 2 year MSc. in Applied Finance Degree program from Indias Largest Ed-Tech University.

To register for the online Info-Session,
Link to Book Now:-