NMIMS - 7 Ways Human Resource Manager Can Effectively Contribute to Business Growth

7 Ways Human Resource Manager Can Effectively Contribute to Business Growth

Human resource managers have always been an integral part of the business chain. Getting the right talent onboard is one of the major features that HR indulges in. Training, development, retention and growth are other processes that follow. Without a proper strategy of hiring in place, the right talent will not enter the company; and without talented people dedicated to the company, there will be no business. 

HR plays an important role in developing company strategies by increasing employee perceptions among workers and providing a comprehensive experience for employees.

The Role Of HR in Business Growth

•  Recruiting Top Talent
•  Employee Engagement
•  Understanding Business Objectives
•  Complying With The Law
•  Aiding Growth Plan
•  Employee Growth & Performance Management
•  Feedback And Upgradation 

Recruiting Top Talent
Recruiting is actually a very complex process and many companies lose money because of inefficient recruitment. The HR team is responsible for recruiting qualified candidates and filling positions with the top talents as soon as possible.  Everyone sees candidates employed only after they join the company. The HR team has more to do in the background - rejections, managing anger bursts outs, creating a company's image.

Employee Engagement
Business Success Is Always Dependent On The Success Of Its Employees. Employee involvement is one of the biggest problems faced even at the greatest of the workplace. The HR team always looks for the best involvement strategies in accordance with the company's culture for their employees. 

Business success depends on the success of its employees. If employees do not appear to their best abilities or if they are not satisfied with their role, the company will suffer. Thus, another key aspect of human resource management involves the formation and maintains a positive working relationship between employees. Research has shown that it is interesting and giving recognition to employees has a big impact. When you give recognition, employees feel more valued, engaged, and productive. With carefully designed employee surveys, focus groups, and outgoing interview strategies, the HR team can determine what causes employee dissatisfaction and overcome these problems to motivate employees.

Understanding Business Objectives
Human resource managers need to fully understand business goals to effectively plan for the current and future company needs as per the priorities. 
HR managers must be active in all company departments to get a general overview of the business as a whole. With this understanding, HR managers can make customized recruitment and development plans to meet certain human capital needs of a company; hiring and developing the right person to keep the company resources moving on the predefined growth path.

Complying With The Law
Human resource managers are the company's initial point of contact for laws about work and behaviour and workplace conditions. Understanding Labor Law can help prevent violations of employers as well as employees. In addition, human resource managers must understand the documentation process that needs to be followed when the possibility of violations exists. Human resource managers must coordinate with corporate legal counsel to create a comprehensive plan for training, prevention, and reporting possible violations.

Aiding Growth Plan
When a business grows, you need to hire new staff, train them to do new tasks, and be ready for any expansion plan that comes on the way to entering a new market. Whatever be the strategy - growth planning and the ability to implement a plan will be very important for success. HR strategies help a lot when growth planning is in process. The HR team can provide valuable insights into how a team can be formed to expand operations, what problems might arise, and even things like how long it is likely to fill the new positions.

Employee Growth & Performance Management
One of the most important aspects of HR strategy for business growth is employee growth and performance management. The HR team must lead in implementing a performance management system. Data collected by the performance management system is a valuable source of insight into employee objectives and potential career movements. 
The HR team monitors individual growth in the company and tracks their performance measures to certain major performance indicators, and identifies their strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Feedback And Upgradation 
If a company wants to monitor employee satisfaction, it's important to ask for feedback. Employee feedback is one of the most important sets of data that you can collect about how the company operates and lives with the culture of the company you want to build. Employees are also more likely to submit feedback to HR personnel because they know that their problems will be handled professionally.

Bottom line 
A company is only as good as its people and the HR team is in charge of building and maintaining a strong team. A good human resource team with the right resources will help the company get the most out of its employees. 
It makes sense to involve the HR team in the progress of decision-making as they have an impact on the company’s ability to run expansion plans, attract the best people, and complete it with the skills needed to develop the organization. The points mentioned here are just a few of the many ways effective HR strategies can open the way for business growth.

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